My Devereaux collection consists of the following...
Home Red Wings jersey
Away Red Wings jersey
White Wings practice Devereaux jersey
2 different Devereaux baseball hats
(one of them is signed now)
3 game used Devereaux sticks
a few hockey cards
some 8x10s
poster inserts from paper and programs from JLA
Autograph mini helmet
Autograph Puck
Autograph action photo's
Autograph Cup Picture (thanks daddy)
MANY on ice and off ice photo's taken by myself and friends!!!
game used gloves got in mail 011803
another pair of game used gloves which now makes 2 pairs of gloves and I hate to say
it but they smell to high heaven. heehee
red Devereaux practice jersey
black Devereaux practice jersey
Met Boyd Devereaux himself @ toast of hockeytown
BDEV21 licence plate :) (not on my car anymore though)
on tape the 1996 NHL Entry Draft when Boyd was drafted
Vintage DETROIT Devereaux jersey (autographed)
Away (white) Edmonton Oilers #19 Devereaux jersey
need it autographed now
Kitchener Rangers Devereaux jersey-Junior years
game used jersey
game used skates
game used helmet
home team canada Devereaux jersey (have just need it named and #)
away team canada Devereaux jersey
Hamilton Bulldogs Devereaux jersey
Phoenix Coyotes Devereaux jersey
Toronto Maple Leafs Devereaux jersey
to FINALLY meet Boyd Devereaux himself (AGAIN)
and a few times at the bar in Traverse City during Red Wings training camp. :)